
Surging Sparks

The Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet Surging Sparks introduces players to more beautifully radiant Stellar Tera Pokémon ex, including Pikachu ex with its strikingly powerful Topaz Bolt attack. In this expansion, players can collect and battle with cards themed around the Terarium an artificial paradise first introduced in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 2: The Indigo Disk DLC for the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet video games—and discover the towering Alolan Exeggutor ex in its Stellar form alongside other powerful Dragon-type Pokémon. In addition, players can also discover Latias ex and Archaludon ex as well as new ACE SPEC cards, which continue to bring a twist to Pokémon TCG. Noteworthy cards from the expansion include: Eight ACE SPEC cards. Eight Stellar Tera Pokémon ex and nine Tera Pokémon ex. 23 illustration rare Pokémon. 11 special illustration rare Pokémon and Supporter cards. Six hyper rare gold etched cards.

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