Disney Lorcana Ursula's Return
In the mystical realm of Lorcana, a tempest has been brewing. The formidable Ursula glimmer, released by the Great Illuminary, is finally prepared to set her schemes in motion. To what lengths will the sea witch go to attain dominion over all of Lorcana? The Disney Lorcana Trading Card Game is a captivating new addition to the world of collectible card games, developed by Ravensburger in collaboration with The Walt Disney Company. Launched in late 2023, it features a rich array of characters from Disney's extensive film history, allowing players to wield magic inks and the power of Lorcana to assemble teams of beloved Disney characters. Some characters are presented in their classic forms, while others are reimagined in exciting new ways. The game offers a less competitive but equally engaging alternative to other trading card games, focusing on deckbuilding, strategy, and the joy of collecting.
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